Developing Leaders of Character and Capability


Washington University is redefining leadership with an audacious goal: Become the nation’s premier institution for developing tomorrow’s leaders.

We believe being a leader is not tied to the position one holds. Rather, all individuals have the potential to influence and energize others while working together toward a common goal. By reframing prevailing notions of what it means to be a leader, we look to create a culture where leading is about the positive change any person can affect and the many forms this can take.

The WashU Leads Experience

The WashU Leads four-year residential leadership education model for undergraduates will be established as a permanent part of the student experience through our George and Carol Bauer Leaders Academy. The academy will support research and oversee student programs across schools and co-curricular programs.

The Bauer Leaders Academy will provide the centralized structure to oversee many programs WashU Leads will offer students, bringing together and supporting leadership initiatives across schools, co-curricular programs, and academic research — and imbuing them with best practices in leadership development and personal character formation.

To fully immerse our students in the process of developing as leaders, we will use the following framework.

Guided learning: Faculty- and staff-directed learning in the classroom and beyond

Coaching and relationships: Group coaching, personalized instruction, and peer-to-peer mentorship

Experiential learning: Practicing leadership through internships, roles in student organizations, and community service

Learn More

For more information, contact: Program Manager Mayo Amos